Everything about Odoo17 Product Creation and its Management
The Odoo17 Product Management is essential. We have modules like sales, purchase, and inventory which contain the product menu. Let’s explore how to create a product and how to manage a product, Here is everything about the Odoo17 Product Creation and Product Management
This is the view of products inside the sales module, where we have a menu called products which contains products and related things. Here in the products, you can see all the products which are created till date in our system. So here you have the search options and all kind of views.
How to Create New Products in Odoo17
Click “New” to get a new interface for the odoo17 product creation
Here you can provide name of the product, whether it can be sold or it can be purchased, etc like options to choose. You can give the General Information, attributes & Variants, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Accounting, etc.
Inside the General Information we have the field product type which contains different product types like consumable, service, storable product, booking fees, combo, course, and events. A storable product is a product for which you manage stock.
The inventory app has to be installed. For the consumable products, it don’t keep account. Storable products are used to store the products. Then you have Invoicing Policy which is Ordered quantities and Delivered quantities. We have other fields like sales price which is the price at which the product is sold to customers, Customer Taxes which is used for the product, then you got cost, Product category, Internal reference, Barcode and Product template tags.
You have the Sales tab, where you have the upsell and crosssell.Here you have Optional products option that suggest whenever the customer hits add to cart. Then you have Accessory products which are shown when the customer reviews the cart before payment. Then you have the alternative products which suggests alternatives.
Now we have Product description for self-order where you can specify a description for the product. Point of sale with an option to enable whether available in POS. E-commerce shop with website and categories.
Then you have Purchase tab under which you can add a vendor. Also, you have vendor bills and purchase descriptions. Next, you have the Inventory tab with operations, logistics, Description for receipts, Description for delivery orders, and Description for internal transfers. In the Operations, you have Routes which allow you to define the route of the product.
Next you have Accounting tab which contains Receivables, Payables, Intrastat, Automatic email at invoice, UNSPSC. For the product you can upload a picture. And lastly save the product. Now you got a New Product in your system.
At the top section, you can see button boxes like shown below
As this is a storable product, we got on hand products, forecasted, also have the options like in and out, Reordering rules, Bill of materials, Purchased, Sold, etc,. This is all about Odoo17 product creation and management. also, learn about product management in the Odoo Sales App
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