Odoo17 Maintenance Requests and Management

October 18, 2024

Odoo17 Maintenance Requests and Management Essential for efficient production and downtime reduction in all industrial businesses. ensure the equipment’s dependability, effectiveness, and optimal performance, maintenance teams are crucial to a business’s smooth operation.They document and manage Odoo17 maintenance requests in addition to managing workload and ensuring effective and timely maintenance operations. Well-managed maintenance teams and effective request systems reduce the down time and save operating costs,and maitain high productivity.

Let’s discover how to effectively handle maintenance requests by setting up your maintenance team and utilizing the Odoo17 Maintenance Module.

How to Set Up Your Maintenance Team

Setting Up Your Maintenance Team Setting up your maintenance team is the first step towards optimising maintenance management in odoo17 maintenance. Here’s how to accomplish it

Users can assign and track maintenance orders using the Odoo 17 Maintenance module. The maintenance team will oversee all maintenance operations, must mentioned by users when submitting a maintenance request.

The module gives users access to additional operation tools and a dashboard with the various Maintenance Teams of a company It also lets users see how many maintenance requests there are.


Odoo17 Maintenance Team Configuration

Users can use Configuration option to customize th maintenance team. To create a new team users needs to choose the Maintenance Teams option from the Configuration menu. As seen below, this opens a new window with a list of the maintenance teams that are already configured in the Maintenance database.


After that, users can use the New button to form a new team. Then, as indicated below, enter the Team Name, Members, and Company in the editing field. Our new maintenance crew is now prepared to work.


Add Maintenance Team Members Examine employee profiles or enter new information about employees in the Employee Module database before assigning them to a team.Give it all the details you need, such as their name, address, phone number, job title, and any qualifications or special abilities they might possess.By setting up your maintenance staff in Odoo17, you can efficiently manage schedules, staff, and communications from a single location.

Managing Odoo17 Maintenance Requests

The next step after assembling your maintenance team is to create a streamlined procedure for responding to maintenance requests. Here’s how to use Odoo17 for it: Users can create maintenance requests for equipment failures using Odoo17 Maintenance Request menu.


Maintenance request stages in the Kanban view along with editing and deletion options. Stars can used to prioritise maintenance requests based on their emergency status. Maintenance requests can scheduled using a tiny clock icon.

When you click on the maintenance request, a pop-up window with the assigned employee’s name and details will open, enabling you to send messages or view the employee profiles.

To add a new request, click the plus sign to the right of the stage title. Additionally, you can edit, delete, fold, or update the pertinent stage.


Use the New button and enter the Title, Work Centre, Equipment ID, Employee name, and Worksheet Template to create a new maintenance request.

There are two types of Odoo17 maintenance requests: preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance.

  • Regular preventive maintenance helps to avoid equipment failures.
  • When equipment malfunctions, corrective maintenance performed to fix it. Besides other information, the request can including the manufacturing orders.

Assign a team for equipment maintenance in the Team field, along with the Responsible Person, the Scheduled Date, and the Work Duration. Indicate priority with stars, and include company information and an email cc.

Notes Tab Add any notes you may have about the equipment or the maintenance request.

Instructions Tab If required, include any troubleshooting advice, guidelines, or documentation of the system failure in the form of images or PDF files. Once the necessary fields have edited, save the data.


The default stages for maintenance requests are New Request, In Progress, Repaired, and Scrap; however, they can altered based on the status of the operation.

How to check Odoo17 Maintenance Requests

A maintenance request is automatically assigned to the work centre or assignee listed in the Odoo17 maintenance request configuration window once it is created. The administrator can then review the request from the assigned work centre or assignee.

I have decided to handle the maintenance request in this instance, and it will sent straight to the Drill Station 1 work centre. By going to the appropriate work centre, you can view the request, which will appear as indicated below.

checking maintenance requests

To verify the request, open the work centre. After that, we can check and move forward with the request by clicking the Odoo17 Maintenance smart button.


Odoo17 Maintenance Smart Button

The dashboard of all received requests assigned to that specific workspace within the New Request stage will displayed as follows when the Odoo17 maintenance smart button is pressed.


As seen above, the workspace administrator can check the request, schedule an activity, mark it as completed, and make changes using the appropriate buttons found inside the request card’s settings section.

The maintenance team can use the Mark as Done button to confirm the completion once the problem been resolved. As shown below, once the Mark as Done button has pressed, we can edit any notes and use the Done button to confirm completion


Altering the stages listed in the Odoo17 maintenance request configuration form, such as New Request, In Progress, Repaired, and Scrap, is another way to complete the maintenance request.

The Schedule an Activity option allows you to reschedule the repair process or reassign the assignment to someone else.

As we can see below, after the request was reviewed, verified, and finished, its stage was changed from New Request to Repaired.


Users can add more stages depending on the repair or Odoo17 maintenance procedure, or they can move requests to the Scrap stage if any equipment is damaged or rendered useless.

The Odoo17 Maintenance module can increases productivity and lowers operating costs by optimising equipment maintenance procedures and enhancing workflows, response times, and overall operational efficiency.

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