How to Add Inverse Function for Computed Fields in Odoo18

October 31, 2024

Odoo is very customizable ERP system which permits many ways to automate and improve business process with it. Some of the important concepts when it comes to Customization involves computed fields being created on fly and hence are based upon other properties. In Odoo computed fields in Odoo18 are read-only by default. To make a computed field editable, you need to set the store=True attribute and define an inverse method, allowing the field to accept user input and store the value. If you want users to be able to modify a Odoo18 computed field and have those changes done back again in other dependent fields, it can be achieved using an inverse.

What are Computed Fields in Odoo18?

In Odoo 18, computed fields are values automatically calculated based on other fields within the model. Instead of storing a fixed value, these fields use a defined computation method to dynamically generate results whenever dependent fields change. Typically, Odoo18 computed fields are not editable, but including an inverse function can make them editable for automated calculations and manual changes.

Computed field: A filed that is the result of an expression based on other fields in spirit These fields are computed properties on the model and not stored in database as like other data types. Calculated Fields are ideal for when the value of your field depends on a calculation or logic between other fields.

How to Create Computed Fields in Odoo18

To create a computed field in Odoo18, define the field and set its compute attribute to reference a method. This computation method should assign a value to the computed field for each record in self.

The value of a Odoo18 computed field typically relies on other fields in the record. The ORM expects developers to specify these dependencies on the compute method using the @depends() decorator. These dependencies help the ORM know when to trigger a recalculation of the field whenever any of its dependencies are updated.

For Example

from odoo import api, fields, models

class TestComputedMethod(models.Model):
_name = "test.computed"

total = fields.Float(compute="_compute_total")
amount = fields.Float()

def _compute_total(self):
    for record in self: = 2.0 * record.amount

Here,total depends on the amount field.

Limitations of Computed Fields

Computed fields are readonly by default, which means that users cannot change them directly in the user interface (UI). This is due to Odoo’s automatic generation of their values based on other fields. Calculated fields are useful for automating calculations, but in some situations, you might want users to make manual edits to these fields while still having the logic update other fields appropriately.

Inverse Function of Computed Fields

By specifying how the value of a Odoo computed field will impact other fields in the model, an inverse function makes the field editable. That is, when a user makes a manual change to a computed field, the inverse function instructs Odoo on how to update other fields. Computed fields in Odoo18 can become bidirectional by using an inverse function, which allows Odoo to update dependent fields when the Odoo18 computed field is modified in addition to calculating its values.

For example

class TestComputedMethod(models.Model):
_name = "test.computed"

total = fields.Float(compute="_compute_total",     inverse="_inverse_total")
amount = fields.Float()

def _compute_total(self):
    for record in self: = 2.0 * record.amount

def _inverse_total(self):
    for record in self:
        record.amount = / 2.0

A compute method assigns a value to the field, while an inverse method defines the field’s dependencies.

The compute method is triggered whenever there is a change in its dependencies, while the inverse method is called specifically when saving the record.

By integrating Odoo18 computed fields and inverse methods, Odoo developers open flexible and powerful field calculations to user needs. With the inverse function, computed fields can dynamically update related fields, making them not only automated but also interactive for users. This level of customization empowers businesses to tailor their ERP, creating a solution that aligns precisely with their workflows.

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