How to Write Odoo Test Cases In Odoo17
Odoo Test cases are important for the development process of the Odoo ERP software, Odoo test cases identify, and fix the problems, bugs, and inconsistencies in the implementation to ensure that it meets requirements & works as intended thus improving the quality of software products, apps, saves development support costs, customer satisfaction Can will increase. Odoo17 offers an option to test the modules using the Python, unit test library. the Odoo ERP developers can construct the test cases for their custom modules make sure they meet all the requirements function as expected under the conditions. you can improve the quality of your Odoo modules and create better Odoo test cases by following these tips.
How to Write Odoo Test Cases
In Odoo, after making a subfolder named “tests” in your module, you need to import a test case into “your_module/__init__”. Within the test folder, test modules with names starting with “test_” should be imported into “tests/__init__”.
The contains
From . import test_case1,test_case2
You can only run tests that are imported into “your_module/tests/”. for Using the Test Framework, and the below requirements need to fulfilled efficiently.
- Each test must include an Odoo action class.
- The file “tests/init” should contain all the tests.
- The startup file of each test file should be “”.
- Start each test method by def test_name(self):
- Each test must placed in the directory of your module.
Odoo.tests.common needs to extended for tests.Case of Transactions. We can use setUpClass to write a test case. You can use “env” in class and interact with “ORM” using setUpClass. Example:
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
class TestStudentRecord(TransactionCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestStudentRecord, cls).setUpClass()
# Create a common record for all test methods in the class
cls.student = cls.env['student.record'].create({
'name': 'John Doe',
'gender': 'male',
'birthdate': '2001-03-29'
def test_field_values(self):
# Test the values of fields
self.assertEqual(, 'John Doe',
"Name field value is incorrect")
self.assertEqual(self.student.gender, 'male',
"Gender field value is incorrect")
def test_function_output(self):
# Test the output of a function
result = self.student.calculate_age()
self.assertEqual(result, expected_value, "Function output is incorrect")
def test_other_function(self):
# Another test method
# ...
def tearDownClass(cls):
# Clean up any resources if needed
super(TestStudentRecord, cls).tearDownClass()
This is one way to write odoo test cases. The setup() method is visible here, where we can generate variables and data for our purposes. Other test methods can use these variables data are usually saved as class attributes. In the sample above, we can see various assert routines that are used to check if the output is true or false.
Now let’s explore a few popular assert functions and their uses.
assertEqual(a, b, msg=None)
The purpose of this operation is to check if the coordinates a and b are equal. If they are not equal, the translation fails and an error message is generated with the optional msg parameter.
self.assertEqual(actual_value, expected_value, msg="Values should be equal")
assertNotEqual(a, b, msg=None)
This function is used to check whether the values a and b are not equal. If they are equal, the assertion fails, and an error message may be provided through the optional msg parameter
self.assertNotEqual(actual_value, unexpected_value, msg="Values should not be equal")
assertTrue(expr, msg=None) The purpose of this method is to ensure that the expression expr evaluates to True. An error message will generated with the optional msg parameter. If the password is false, and the prompt is rejected,
assertFalse(expr, msg=None)
The purpose of this method is to confirm if the expression expr evaluates to False. The assertion fails if the expression is True, information about the failure can given by providing an optional error message (msg).
self.assertFalse(has_error, msg="The condition should be false")
assertIs(a, b, msg=None)
The purpose of this function is to confirm that the objects a and b point to the same memory location. It conducts an identity check
self.assertIs(actual_object, expected_object, msg="Objects should be the same")
assertIsNot(a, b, msg=None)
A task aims to ensure the items of a nor b do not refer to the same memory location, the way the asserts reach the of the assertion.
self.assertIsNot(actual_object, unexpected_object, msg="Objects should not be the same")
testing the unit the information helps confirm that it works as intended to check the accuracy of the conditions.
To facilitate the testing of Odoo content, Odoo provides a number of test classes and assistance functions. A few of these classes are as follows:
1 odoo.tests.common.TransactionCase
Every test method is run by this class in a single transaction. Every test method functions inside a savepoint-managed sub-transaction.
2 odoo.tests.common.SingleTransactionCase
In this class, every test method operates within a single transaction., and the transaction will roll back starting with the first test method.
3 odoo.tests.common.SavepointCase
A savepoint is provided by this class for every test method.
4 odoo.tests.common.HttpCase
With transactional HTTP test cases in mind, this class provides aids for Chrome headless capabilities and URL opening.
How to run Odoo Test Cases?
Odoo Test Cases Steps
- Use the “–test-enable” statement after starting Odoo.
- Use the “-d [my_database]” flag for specify the database
- Use the “-i [modules_to_install]” flag to specify which modules you want to test.
Use The command, for local Odoo installation:
./odoo-bin -i {module_to_install} --test-enable -c {conf path}
terminal commands for execute the tests in a particular module,
./odoo-bin -c /path/to/odoo.conf -d your_database_name -u your_module_name –test- enable
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