How to Import Products & Product Categories in Odoo17
Importing products in Odoo17
Import elements, the first step is to download the import template. To do this, select a product from the products list view and click the Action button with the Export option. in this blog, we are going to explore how to import products in odoo17
Export Option In Odoo17
select the export option, a pop-up window will open to export your file. The pop-up window provides the functionality to create a new model. Give a name to the model we will make. Export Fields and Available Fields are the two parts of the pop-up window. we click on the Export button, some fields will automatically appear in the fields to be exported. selecting the (+) sign next to each field, we can add the required fields to the export data and remove optional fields from existing fields. These are the mandatory fields for product exportation.
Necessary Fields to Import Products in odoo
As a project (consumable, storable, etc.) Method, etc. good quality
Sales Price: It is the sales price. the price applied to the product at the time of purchase
Units of measure: the measurements given for the item
Product category: a method of grouping and categorizing items according to shared attributes and qualities
Internal Reference: This is the product’s unique identification number.
After adding all of the above fields to the export field of the opened window, click the Export button in the same window. click the export button,
and the downloaded file will stored in our system
for the necessary changes to the downloaded file, add product names and other properties, and save the file
the next step is Importing a new product to the Odoo database for that check the product list. Press the action button. Here we can see the file called record import option in Odoo17.
and after clicking the import record option in odoo17 now we can upload a file in odoo17
Select the latest version of the file and click the Test button in the new window that appears. A notification popup stating that “everything seems valid” in odoo 17. an existing value does not match, you can enter a new value.
after proper testing click the import button next to the test button to get the “everything seems valid” statement in Odoo17
Here is the Form view we made in odoo17
Importing The Category Of Products In Odoo17
Creating a a good template for the new product category import is the first stage in the import process. creating a new template and exporting an existing category is imperative. You can do by going to the sales module’s setup tab and clicking. all the product categories are visible. to export product categories, choose any category. Next, select the action button. An export option appears under it.
Category Image 1
Available fields” and “fields to export In Odoo17
select the export option, a pop-up box with the titles “available fields” and “fields to export” will appear.
Available fields list the individual data fields you can include in your exporting file to provide specifics about the items
Fields to export: the data fields we wish to have in the exported file.
Category Image 2
Update Data in Odoo17
To take advantage of the saved template to export the data various times, give our new template a name in the pop-up window and save it. choose the field to import the product category. enable the option “I want to update data” (import-compatible export) and accept the update data option we can update the present data. add a external ID field to the exported file to identify the data updated. when it is worked out Odoo17 imports the data and assigns the correct heading to each field. select the plus icon next to each field, and choose the one that wants fields from the list of accessible fields.
Name: name of the newly created product category.
Parent Category: The subcategory goes down under the top category of the parent category.
Select the export option from the pop-up window. (saving format is xlsx and CSV file). just click the export button, and the system stores the file.
Preview of the exporting information in Odoo17
Add a new product category to the database and update the data by naming the new category that creates to do this and update the data by naming the new category that creating to do this and You will also able to modify all the other features, such as the category’s accounting journals. Save the file to our system after making all the necessary corrections.
Parent Category in Odoo17
here is the parent category “all,” and setup, a new category named “food” saved the file. access the importing feature. select the product category here is an option to import records when you click the action button.
Upload Option in Odoo17
The file upload option appears When we select the Import Records option. Choose the recently created file from our system by clicking the upload file option, then upload. After that, click the test button. If all the information is correctly assigned, a message saying “everything seems valid” will show up.
Import Button In Odoo17
Next, Click the import button and the new product category will imported to Odoo. A message pointing out that a record has been successfully imported appears on the screen.
Odoo’s product category list includes the newly imported product category. list of Odoo.
The process of how to import products in Odoo17 – download the import template. This guide will help you organize your product information accurately and consistently in your inventory. Use Odoo17’s functionalities to optimize your operations and increase efficiency. Pay attention to upcoming advice and knowledge on maximizing the benefits of using Odoo.
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